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Lesson Plans

These formal lesson plans serve elementary, middle and high school students and include downloadable handouts.



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Making a Compass & Magnetic Attraction

Students will learn about magnets and compasses, how to use a compass to write directions, and how to read a map. Students will apply what they learned about directions to how Constitution sailors steered the ship at sea in 1812.

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Injury & Illness Aboard Naval Ships

Students learn about the responsibilities of a ship’s surgeon in the early 19th century and diagnose illness and injury scenarios based on evidence given.

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How High is that Similar Triangle?

This lesson teaches students to use similar triangles and congruent angles with “shadow reckoning” to find out the height of a tall object on your school grounds. It is inspired by the maintop on USS Constitution, where some of the crew were stationed 85 to 90 feet above the deck during battle.

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Coopers: Building a Barrel

The cooper was one of the skilled sailors on board USS Constitution: he knew how to make and repair barrels. This was important because barrels held most of the crew’s food and water. In this lesson, learn about the cooper and the other tradesmen on the Ship, and make a craft barrel with your students.

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Build an Alka-Seltzer Cannon

Using Alka-Seltzer tablets and canisters, students will produce a chemical change to recreate the loading and firing of a gun on Constitution.

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Bravery at Sea

Students read a story of bravery at sea and look closely at the uniform of USS Constitution sailors. Then they make their own captain’s hat out of paper.

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Reloading Relay

Students learn about the responsibilities of the Marines on USS Constitution during battle. Students are then given a challenge: work in teams to use measurements and solve common denominator fraction math problems to “battle” each other in a reloading relay.

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Sea Chanties & Call-and-Response Poetry

Students will explore several sea chanties or “work songs” sung on sailing ships. They will look at the language involved, reasons for singing them, and examples from well-known movies. Students then write their own sea chantey using creative writing.

  • All Post
  • Design and Construction
  • Life at Sea
  • Meet the Crew
  • Uncategorized
  • USS Constitution's Legacy
  • War of 1812
Making a Compass & Magnetic Attraction – VIEW

BACK Making a Compass & Magnetic Attraction Lesson Plan Overview & Major Themes Students will use magnets to build a compass, use compass directions, read a map and work together to complete this lesson scenario: Constitution has been called to help another American ship in…

Making a Compass & Magnetic Attraction

Students will learn about magnets and compasses, how to use a compass to write directions, and how to read a map. Students will apply what they learned about directions to how Constitution sailors steered the ship at sea in 1812.

Injury & Illness Aboard Naval Ships- VIEW

BACK Injury & Illness Aboard Naval Ships Lesson Plan Overview & Major Themes The lesson will begin with a whole group activity in which the class takes on the role of a surgeon sailing on an early-19th century ship like USS Constitution. After that, students…

Injury & Illness Aboard Naval Ships

Students learn about the responsibilities of a ship’s surgeon in the early 19th century and diagnose illness and injury scenarios based on evidence given.

How High is that Similar Triangle? – VIEW

BACK How High is that Similar Triangle? Lesson Plan Overview & Major Themes During battle, some of Constitution’s Marines and sailors were stationed 85 to 90 feet above the deck. With this lesson, teach your students to use similar triangles and congruent angles with “shadow…

How High is that Similar Triangle?

This lesson teaches students to use similar triangles and congruent angles with “shadow reckoning” to find out the height of a tall object on your school grounds. It is inspired by the maintop on USS Constitution, where some of the crew were stationed 85 to…

Coopers: Building a Barrel – VIEW

BACK Coopers: Building a Barrel Lesson Plan Overview & Major Themes There were several crewmembers on board USS Constitution during the War of 1812 who were not sailors but tradesmen. One of them was a cooper, a man who knew how to make and repair…

Coopers: Building a Barrel

The cooper was one of the skilled sailors on board USS Constitution: he knew how to make and repair barrels. This was important because barrels held most of the crew’s food and water. In this lesson, learn about the cooper and the other tradesmen on…